Taha, Bilal Hassani’s brother makes himself known: Twitter is racing!

Who is he ? If viewers and Internet users know Bilal Hassani very well, his brother Taha is much less so. However, when the book “Being a mother, Taha, Bilal and me” will be released and will be available in bookstores or other book resellers this Thursday, February 3, the French will finally be able to learn more about the one who probably has it. protected for many years, since it is his eldest. This one taking a different direction than his younger brother, preferring not to choose the light and to stay away from notoriety. Unlike Bilal who first made himself known in “The Voice”, before representing France at Eurovision and treading the floors of “Dancing with the stars”. A participation that the young artist will remember for a long time. Initially for being the first candidate to have a dancer of the same sex as a partner, but also and above all for the magic and the very beautiful memories that his participation brought him.

He will soon be able to follow the new season from his screen and encourage a person he loves very much. Indeed, according to our exclusive information, Nabilla will take part in the next season of TF1 tele-hook and there is no doubt that Bilal Hassani was over the moon when he heard the news, he who loves Thomas Vergara’s darling so much and vice versa. However, it was not to talk about the arrival of Milann’s mother in the next season of the show that Bilal was on the set of “Quotidien” with his mother.

The two were invited by Yann Barthès to discuss Amina’s work, in which she tells how she fulfilled her role as a mother and how she managed to offer all her love to her children. A visit that strongly reacted to Twitter. Placing the hashtag #AminaSurQuotidien in TT France.


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