tackled by Caroline Roux on the Uber Files, Emmanuel Macron sends him balls to everyone’s surprise…

For several days, Emmanuel Macron has been the target of countless criticisms because of a sensitive file. And for good reason when he was still Minister of the Economy (between 2014 and 2016 editor’s note), the politician would have contributed to the establishment of Uber in France… out of sight. On July 10, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists shared documents revealing certain practices of the famous group.

Through the various testimonies, it was easy to see that a “deal” secret would have been recorded between Emmanuel Macron and the teams of Uber. Discreet meetings would have been organized to everyone’s surprise. To facilitate the establishment of the American giant, Emmanuel Macron would have several times put a spoke in the wheels of some deputies.

They were aware…”

During his trip to Isère on Tuesday July 12, 2022, the Head of State assured that he “assumed fully” his decisions. “It touches me one without moving the other”, replied the husband of Brigitte Macron, inspired by an exit from Jacques Chirac. Unsurprisingly, his words unleashed passions. This Thursday July 14, 2022 to orchestrate the traditional interview with the President of the Republic, Anne-Claire Coudray and Caroline Roux have been appointed.

Laurent Solly’s companion obviously took the opportunity to ask him about the controversy: “Would you do it again after seeing what the Uber social model was? » . What Emmanuel Macron replied cash: “ Yes. Totally […] When you’re a minister, you don’t do things against the advice of the government, that doesn’t exist”. Information that had the merit of disconcerting the political journalist: “Did they know? “.

Stung, Emmanuel Macron then bet on the offensive to make himself understood once and for all: “Are you kidding or what? When you are a minister, the texts that you carry are subject to misinterpretations, there have been difficult battles. I totally defended this opening of the market and I would defend it again tomorrow”. It is said !


to see also: Emmanuel Macron shirtless? Vladimir Putin mocks and talks about a “disgusting spectacle”

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