Syracuse Postcard | Another minute of silence

(Syracuse) Tuesday night before the game between the Crunch and the Rocket in Syracuse, fans at the old War Memorial Arena did what more and more fans need to do in arenas: they observed a moment of silence at the memory of the victims of a shooting.

Posted yesterday at 8:17 p.m.

Richard Labbe

Richard Labbe
The Press

Since the sound isn’t very good in the outdated Crunch house, it wasn’t clear which shootout we were referring to. To the one that happened in California? In Texas ? Or probably the one that happened not far from here, in Buffalo?

There may be a problem when the shootings follow one another at such a rate that it is difficult to keep count…

Coming back from downtown Syracuse on Tuesday morning, we came across this message in front of an elementary school, East Syracuse Elementary: “The flags are at half mast in memory of the victims of the Buffalo shooting. Flags at half mast, that too, we see too often.

But we won’t spend too much time on this one, because there’s gonna be another shooting, and then another, and then there’s gonna be someone somewhere to point at rap music or games. video, when the truth is probably on other screens: the screens of those who spend too much time swallowing the snakes of conspiracy theorists. That’s what happened in Buffalo.

All this is not very good for the atmosphere. We finish our beer in a small bar here in Syracuse, once a nice little university town, and we are told not to go to such and such a place, because it can be a little dangerous sometimes.

Some will tell us that we should stick to hockey. Which is kind of ironic, though, because that’s all we’re asking for.

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