Sylvie Vartan disfigured by a car accident …

Sylvie Vartan faced Karine Le Marchand on RTL, Saturday November 6. With comedian Arnaud Ducret, she was invited to We don’t answer for anything anymore.

During this program, the singer of 77 years spoke, again, of the car accident of which she was victim with Johnny Hallyday on February 20, 1970. At the time, the couple is on the road to connect Strasbourg in Belfort, in the company of the rocker’s guitarist, Mick Jones, and his private secretary, Sacha Rhoul. The latter ends up giving the wheel to Johnny Hallyday. In a hurry to reach his destination, the Taulier loses control of the vehicle on an icy road and sends the vehicle to finish its race against a tree.

Result, the Idol of the young is doing with a broken nose, and the mother of David Hallyday whose head has passed through the windshield, it’s another matter. In the book Johnny Hallyday and his guardian angels. The truth finally revealed, Sacha Rhoul had indicated that the singer had been disfigured by this accident. The interpreter of La Maritza said for his part: “Honestly, I recognized myself. I wasn’t so banged up. Well, I had scars, yes, but that was normal. Over time, they faded a bit. But I was so happy to. to be alive, because I had a child, I had people who loved me, and that was above all what was priority. It was to be alive “.

Two years earlier, in 1968, Sylvie Vartan at the wheel of her new car with her best friend Mercédès was struck by another vehicle. A sad event which will leave the star with serious injuries but which will cost the life of his friend.

To see also: “I can not be silent”: Sylvie Vartan dezingue Laeticia Hallyday and it hurts!


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