Sylvie Vartan at worst? The singer says to herself “overwhelmed, disgusted, upset.” !

Like many artists, Sylvie Vartan has made a point of getting involved with Ukrainians in distress since they have been the targets of Russian bombs and gunfire. And seeing these people condemned to exodus particularly touched the singer born in Bulgaria 77 years ago. The future artist had to leave her country when she was only 8 years old. A trauma awakened by the images transmitted in recent weeks by the media around the world. “When I saw on television the horrible images of the Ukrainian people living daily under the bombs, the torrents of tears of the women […]I was completely overwhelmed, disgusted, upset. […] I didn’t know the war, but I too knew the exodus. With my family, we fled Bulgaria and its totalitarian regime“, she confided to the Parisian, moved.

I remember those horrible times vividly. My parents, my brother and I leaving Sofia by train and leaving our loved ones on the platform… Leaning through the car window and saying goodbye to my grandfather, who was running after the train with his handkerchief in his hand , out of breath… The pain that it gave me is forever inscribed in me. This type of event changes your philosophy of life forever.” remembers the mother of David Hallyday.

Faced with the tragedy of war, Sylvie Vartan did not hesitate. “I had to do something. During my last visit to Paris, with the musicians and Unicef, we did everything in twenty days. I hope people will join this project“, she explains. All profits from the sales of this EP will be donated to Unicef, “a recognized, serious, international organization that does a lot of things in Ukraine” according to Ilona Smet’s grandmother. “Their work is comforting, in the most difficult places in the world, with children who are suffering. Ukrainian children on television seem detached, but they understand everything, feel everything“, she concludes.


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