Sylvie Tellier’s call for a vote divides the web

For more than fifteen years, Sylvie Tellier was at the head of the Miss France committee to chaperone the elected Misses and liaise with the various regional committees. Thanked by Alexia Laroche Joubert, the former beauty queen unfortunately had to say goodbye last December, during the coronation of the beautiful Indira Ampiot.

“This year marks the beginning of a new professional adventure for me. I am turning the page of the Miss France book by leaving the general management of the company. I wish Alexia Laroche-Joubert and Cindy Fabre much success in the pursuit of this magnificent adventure that is Miss France“then declared Sylvie Tellier on stage. “My thoughts also go out to the Miss France teams without whom nothing would have been possible. Directing Miss France is more than a job, it’s a passion. I obviously thank all the Miss France that I have accompanied since the coronation of Alexandra Rosenfeld to that of Diane Leyre.” she concluded in tears.

Sylvie Tellier takes a stand for the right to abortion
Since that date, the one who was elected Miss France in 2002 remains very close to her fans on social networks. A few weeks ago, she answered questions from her community about her professional future: “Many of you ask me what my new job is. I work on many projects, on the other hand I will absolutely not convert myself in the elections of Mister France” she assured.

This Thursday, February 2, 2023, the 44-year-old mother shared on Instagram a call for a vote to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution and therefore preserve this fundamental right for women. Something to annoy one of its subscribers who responded to this call by saying: “How sad and infamous is this law. One day, you may realize that the life of a fetus is as valuable as that of any human being. The dignity of man begins at conception…”.

Sylvie Tellier then retorted by setting out her arguments: “And forcing a woman victim of rape or abuse to carry a child for nine months and give birth to it, is it human in your opinion? What future for this woman and this child?”.


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