Sylvie Tellier targeted by heavy criticism after a controversial trip: she answers!

The holidays had started so well for Sylvie Tellier. After another very busy year with the Miss France company, she took a well-deserved break in the Var, a region dear to her heart. On social networks, the beautiful blonde shared some of her good times spent by the pool or on a boat in the middle of the sea. But after a few days, Sylvie Tellier had to pack up the swimsuit and do his suitcase to fly to New York, in the United States. An express professional trip since she only stayed there “24 hours“.

If she had to leave behind her husband Laurent and her three children (Margaux, Roméo and Oscar, born of her first marriage with Camille Le Maux), Sylvie Tellier was delighted to find the American city, confident that she had “the same stars in the eyes” than during his first visit twenty years ago. Internet users, for their part, saw red. Indeed, in the comments of the video summary of his trip to the Big Apple posted on Instagram, critics rocketed. Many regretted that she does not take into account the increasingly alarming climatic situation by flying for only one day.”Oh the carbon footprint!!!! No way to do video???“, “It’s not as if a glacier had just collapsed… ah yes, oops“, “Just for a date? And the planet?“, “Only 24 hours in NYC? Nice carbon footprint“, “Sylvie my beautiful, aware of global warming??“, we addressed to him.

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