Sylvie Tellier: Still cold with her sister Delphine? His cash and unexpected revelation!

It’s no secret: Sylvie Tellier and her half-sister Delphine do not get along! It must be said that the two young women were absolutely not raised together, Delphine being born from the second marriage of their father (in common), and that they are not even in contact. And it’s not the recent media coverage of their family history that has changed things between them… on the contrary!

Indeed, while Jean-Pascal Lacoste, the youngest companion, attacked Sylvie Tellier several times, accusing her of talking about a sister she refuses to see, it is the boss of Miss France who this time made a rather evocative revelation: during a question and answer moment with her subscribers, when someone asked her if Delphine was her sister, she was very frank about her family situation.

My parents divorced when I was only 11 and they both rebuilt their lives.“, she explained. “I was raised by an extra mom with my two sisters Anne-Sophie and Stéphanie“. Before concluding : “I wish Delphine a lot of happiness because I read in the press that she had a little girl a few months ago.“.

A real revelation about their relationship, which is therefore completely non-existent, since Sylvie Tellier therefore learned of the birth of her little niece, Ainhoa, on June 6 by the newspapers and not by a message between them. However, the boss of Miss France, who could quickly be replaced, sent a beautiful message, a sign of appeasement between them.

According to the youngest, it was during her relationship with Jean-Pascal Lacoste that it all started: “It was from that moment that our relationship deteriorated. I wanted her to meet him, but she always put off the moment“, she had confided pure Ciné Télé Revue.I would have had to choose between him and my sisters“, she had concluded, explaining that she would not have had the right to bring her to the wedding of her eldest.

Sylvie Tellier, who cut with her half-sister, is however very attached to her family and in particular to her sisters, her husband Laurent and her children, Oscar, 12, born from her first marriage with Camille Le Maux, as well as Margaux , 8 years old and Roméo, 4 years old, her juniors whom she regularly takes with her on her trips with the Miss.

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