Sylvie Tellier shares her sadness on Instagram…

This weekend, the Tellier family went through all the emotions. Indeed, Jean-Pascal Lacoste and his companion Delphine announced a happy event. “Official announcement. We kept this secret for a long time, but today it’s time to share our happiness with you! Especially since at almost 5 months it becomes difficult to hide my belly from you. As you could discover on @50inside’s instagram, our blended family is growing! From now on, we will no longer be 4 but 5 for our greatest happiness“announced the lovers.

For her part, Sylvie Tellier took hold of her social networks for a much less joyful subject. On February 2, the beautiful blonde announced the disappearance of the mother of her companion Laurent. “Our clan is losing a granny, a mother, a friend, a wonderwoman who fought like a lioness against the disease but who chose to fly away so as not to see us suffer more. Life separates us but we keep his love and his sweetness for all our life. To all the families who are fighting against the disease, enjoy every moment, take care of their love” she confided. This Saturday, February 5, 2022, the mother of the Misses shared a quote from Victor Hugo to pay him a new tribute, saying:You are no longer where you were but you are everywhere I am”.

Regarding the happy event, Sylvie Tellier is not likely to congratulate her half-sister. Indeed, the two women have been cold for a while. Jean-Pascal Lacoste’s darling had already spoken on this subject, explaining: “I’ve seen her before and lots of times! I admired her… In the meantime, she had words about me that hurt me. When in private, she talks to me about ‘sister to sister’, and that on her social media she says I’m just ‘the daughter of the woman her father remarried’, it’s not easy. It’s quite hard to hear. I really tried to create a relationship between us. But it hasn’t worked out, especially since I’ve been with Jean-Pascal Lacoste (…) Since I’ve been with Jean-Pascal, it’s been a real failure! They (Editor’s note: Sylvie and her two other sisters) put more effort into separating me from him ‘for my own good’ than trying to see me… My stepsisters are very supportive, I am not part of this trio”.

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