Sylvie Tellier overwhelmed and sadder than ever after the death of a baby: her sordid discovery…

Everyone is horrified by the death of a child, especially when it is sordid. But Sylvie Tellier is undoubtedly one of the people who feel the most concerned and the most saddened when such an event happens… Proof of this is on June 26 when the ex-Miss France took over her Instagram account to shout her anger when she learned that an eleven-month-old girl lost her life after ingesting a toxic product.

It would actually be an employee of the nursery, in which the young girl was, who would have sprayed her then made her ingest the typical product Top to calm her tears… In any case, this is what the latter assured when she was questioned by our colleagues from BFM-TV… Faced with such a tragedy, the one who follows Diane Leyre, Miss France 2022, everywhere when she can, was quick to react and express her disgust. “How is such an atrocity possible?”. She asked her community still shocked by what she had just learned.

Died after being locked in the car for several hours

But a new horror came to spoil his day this Thursday, July 21. A horror that all French people probably learned a few hours ago… Namely: the death of a little boy of eleven months, forgotten by his father in the car in a parking lot in Bordes. This is a commune located near Assat. The man in question would have gone to his place of work, while forgetting that his baby was inside his vehicle. The latter would then have died after being locked in the car for several hours in direct sunlight.

Sylvie Tellier could not remain silent and again took over her Instagram account to shout her anger. Once again she wondered how a “such horror” could “to be possible”. Unfortunately, no one has the answer to this question and no doubt the world would be better off if we could answer it.

See also: Sylvie Tellier facing cancer: after the changes announced at Miss France, she makes a terrible announcement…


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