Sylvie Tellier new blow after her accident: she announces bad news

Rayane Bensetti is not the only one to suffer following an accident which occurred during a stay in the mountains. Sylvie Tellier also has a daily life that rhymes with pain since the end of December. And this Thursday, January 6, 2022, she announced bad news to her subscribers on Instagram.

The general manager of the company Miss France spoke again today to give her news to her community. Internet users have therefore learned that because of his skiing accident in Avoriaz (Haute-Savoie), which resulted in a rupture of the internal ligament and the anterior cruciate, Sylvie Tellier was going to have an operation. In addition to specifying in the caption that the day before, she had passed several exams, Oscar’s mother (soon 11 years old, born from his former union with Camille Le Maux), Margaux and Romeo (7 years old and 3 years old, fruit of her marriage to Laurent) confided: “Not very talkative yesterday because not in great shape. It’s a little better today, because like any news you have to accept it and see the hyper positive side. The hyper positive side is that I hope that I will be able to recover the mobility of my knee In the coming months.

But to hope to be able to play sports as if nothing had ever happened, the one who was elected Miss France in 2002 will not be able to cut the operation. What undermine it somewhat. “The more negative side is that I do things so well and I exploded my ligaments so much that I won’t cut during the operation. Besides, I thought it was enough to make an appointment and undergo the operation the next day. Except no, iI will have to be a little patient because before, my knee will have to be a little clean. So a whole little program in the coming weeks“Sylvie Tellier continued. Despite everything, the charming 43-year-old blonde tries to”keep fishing“. There is no doubt that in this ordeal, she can count on the support of her husband Laurent and her children.

A ski holiday that turns into a nightmare

It was on December 29 that Internet users learned of Sylvie Tellier’s misadventure. She had explained to them that she had been the victim of a skiing accident and revealed what the diagnosis was. She then clarified that she was waiting for the MRI to know how her menisci were doing and if an operation was necessary. The doctors let her know that she had twelve weeks of convalescence, which worried her because she had always been very active. “It’s terrible. It hurts. It’s long. You can not do anything. What really worries me the most is not regaining my athletic ability. Because sport for me is actually necessary, it’s my oxygen bubble. And there when I am told about the state of my knee, I am very anxious. I want to run, I want to cycle, paddle, yoga …“, she regretted.

Suffering, she was soon after repatriated by ambulance to return home. And on January 4, she replied to an Internet user who asked her how much she was in pain on a scale of 1 to 10. “When I fell, 10 direct. I have never had so much pain in my life. I thought my leg was torn off. Next door, going to give birth is like going to the SPA. Afterwards, as soon as I’m at rest, it’s bearable, 5-6. But as soon as I move, it climbs“Sylvie Tellier replied.

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