Sylvie Tellier and her sister Delphine in cold: the companion of Jean-Pascal Lacoste balances

Jean-Pascal Lacoste and his companion Delphine Tellier spin the perfect love. But if all goes well for the couple, the former candidate of the star Academy does not get along with a member of his in-laws, and not least. With his sister-in-law Sylvie Tellier, it does not pass. And he is obviously not the only one not to get along with the general manager of the company Miss France …

It is between the two sisters that war is declared ! Delphine Tellier herself confirmed this Thursday, December 2, 2021 during a live with her lover on Instagram. While Internet users asked him if Sylvie Tellier would be invited to her wedding with Jean-Pascal Lacoste, the pretty blonde indicated that the invitations had not yet been sent. Then, questioned in more detail about her relationship with the former beauty queen, Delphine Tellier was clear. “There is nothing to say cause there is no relation“, she indicates. And while a follower points out that he thought that the disagreement only concerned his sister and his companion, the beauty indicates that there”also disagreements with [elle]“without giving any further information.

Sylvie Tellier at the wedding of her sister and Jean-Pascal Lacoste?

A revelation which would explain then that Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Sylvie Tellier have still not met. “But it does not matter, he indicated on November 17, 2021 at the microphone of Jordan de Luxe in The Luxury Moment. These are family stories (…). We don’t know each other but that doesn’t prevent me from sleeping. She makes her life, I make mine, I don’t care!“But if there is a man grieved in this affair, it is the father of Delphine and Sylvie Tellier. He hopes to see his daughters reunited next June, for the wedding of Jean-Pascal Lacoste and his beautiful Delphine Tellier. And that wish may be fulfilled! “We will send him the announcement. If she comes and all is well, it is with great pleasure. Here we are, we meet. And then afterwards we don’t have to appreciate each other, but at least we will have seen each other“, concluded the ex-lover of Jenifer.

Recall that the quarrel dates from the time when the couple was just starting to see each other. “It was complicated, because when I met Delphine, apparently Sylvie Tellier asked her to make a choice between her or me, because you shouldn’t go out with people from the TV … Which is still crazy !“Said Jean-Pascal Lacoste. Perhaps this story will ultimately only be a distant memory and the little family will be all smiles at the couple’s wedding in a few months!

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