Sylvie Jenaly (Super Nanny) surprises on TikTok with new videos

In June 2022, Sylvie Jenaly, the current “Super Nanny” who we love to follow in her adventures with children, announced to her subscribers on TikTok, having been taken to the emergency room after an accident. Something to cause concern among his many fans on social networks.

If the famous nanny gave her news just after this incident, she has just been forced to speak to clarify the situation concerning her state of health.

“Hello everyone, despite all these posts that we have seen on social networks, whether Facebook or TikTok, I am alive! Everything is fine! It is true that I had a little accident , a little collision in the car, but everything is fine, I am completely alive, completely in good health” she declared on TikTok a few days ago.

@sylviejenaly_supernanny#nouvellesaison#rdv15fevrierenprimeime#TFX#dessurprisesavenir#accompanimenteneducation#families♬ original sound – Sylvie

See also:

Sylvie Jenaly back on TFX for a new season
It has already been ten years since Sylvie Jenaly endorsed the status of “Super Nanny” on television. In a decade, the famous governess has helped nearly 90 families and met more than 190 children. To celebrate this anniversary as it should be, the TFX channel has decided to return for a new season! Sylvie Jenaly has thus taken to the road again with her little red car, in search of new unruly children and overwhelmed parents, and the unpublished episodes have been broadcast since February 15, 2022… A great happiness for Sylvie Jenaly who had nevertheless announced her intention not to no longer shoot the show just over two years ago.

In a more recent video shared on TikTok, she said: “This little video to thank you for being so present and watching the first salvo of the three unreleased episodes”. She then made an appointment with her subscribers: “I have a lot to tell you and I am a bit talkative”.

@sylviejenaly_supernanny♬ original sound – Sylvie


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