Jacquy Walter admitted killing his wife Sylvia Auchter with four stab wounds. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Friday.
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Jacquy Walter was sentenced on Friday January 14 by the Bas-Rhin Assize Court to 20 years’ imprisonment for having killed his wife Sylvia Auchter, on November 10, 2019, in Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, reports France Bleu Alsace.
This 61-year-old man had admitted to having killed his wife with four stab wounds, but it was not until the very end of the trial that he expressed regret. “I apologize to everyone. I didn’t mean to come to this. I regret taking Sylvia’s life”, he said before the jurors retired to deliberate.
The Advocate General had requested 25 years of criminal imprisonment, following an indictment in which he considered that the victim had been “slaughtered, completed”. The civil party had insisted on the violence of which the victim was the target, in particular since she had asked for a divorce.