Switzerland very good student according to the PISA ranking



Video length: 2 min

Eurozapping: Switzerland very good student according to the PISA ranking

Eurozapping: Switzerland very good student according to the PISA ranking – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – G. Dehlinger, C. Alphonse

France Televisions

Like every evening, the 11 p.m. news news takes a look at the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Tuesday, December 5.

In Switzerland, the PISA ranking is satisfactory. Despite the Covid crisis, results are good in Swiss schools. With 508 points in mathematics, Swiss students are the best in Europe despite a slight drop compared to 2015. Only Estonia surpasses them by a head. In science and reading too, Swiss students everywhere exceed OECD averages. Another satisfaction: school bullying is decreasing.

The Germans are devastated

For Germany, on the other hand, it is a disaster. Mathematics results have never been so bad. Even if they are doing slightly better than France, the Germans are devastated. “One in three students is below average, which means that they have great difficulty, including solving mathematical problems applied to daily life“, explains Francesco Avviasati, education expert at the OECD. Voices are already being raised to deplore the lack of personnel and coordination within Education. An aid program will be put in place from next year .

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