Switzerland gives the green light for the vaccination of children from 5 years old with Pfizer

In France, only the vaccination of children at risk of developing serious forms has so far been approved.

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The Swiss drug agency, Swissmedic, approved Friday, December 10 the vaccination against Covid-19 of children from 5 years old with the messenger RNA vaccine from Pfizer-Biontech, Cominarty. LVaccination was previously reserved for children from the age of 12.

“The results of clinical trials show that the vaccination is both safe and effective” in 5-11 year olds, who until now could not be vaccinated, according to Swissmedic. Cominarty is given in two doses of 10 micrograms three weeks apart, “which corresponds to a third of the dose administered to adolescents and adults”, emphasizes Swissmedic.

A clinical trial “still in progress, which includes more than 1,500 participants, shows that this vaccine against Covid-19 almost completely avoids serious pathologies caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in children aged 5 to 11 “, according to the Swiss agency.

By giving the green light to the vaccination of children from the age of 5, Switzerland is joining Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain in particular in Europe. Canada and the United States, as well as Israel and Chile, have also authorized the vaccination of children as young. In France, only the vaccination of children at risk of developing serious forms has been approved, but the government has said it is considering expanding it. “to all children” based on “volunteering”.

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