Swimming at school, in a camp or in a private pool: what are the regulations?

After the drowning, Monday, of a CP student in Paris during a school outing to the swimming pool, franceinfo returns to the rules which govern the swimming of children at school, in summer camp or at a private individual.

It only takes three minutes for a child to drown, without a cry, in 20 cm of water: the warning is repeated every year in favor of the first summer baths. Monday, June 5, a CP student drowned during a school outing to the swimming pool in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. “The number of supervisory staff was above the minimum required”, underlines François Dagnaud, the mayor of the 19th arrondissement, with two pool lifeguards, and seven supervisors. An investigation has been opened and will determine the scope of the supervisors’ responsibilities. The rules are not the same depending on whether it is a school outing, a summer camp, or the private setting of an individual’s swimming pool. They also differ according to the age of the children.

School swimming rules

Supervision of swimming in the swimming pool must be ensured by staff holding one of the diplomas provided for in article A. 322-8 of the sports code, i.e. those who confer the title of lifeguard lifeguard or that of the national water safety and rescue certificate.

For the nursery school and the elementary school, the supervision of the pupils is ensured by the teacher of the class and the approved, professional or voluntary speakers. The law imposes a minimum number of supervisors, to which must be added the pool staff dedicated to supervision:

• In kindergarten: if there are fewer than 20 pupils, at least two adults are required, class teacher. From 20 to 30 students, at least three adults are needed, including the class teacher. Finally, if there are more than 30 students, at least four adults, including the class teacher, are required.
• In elementary school: if there are fewer than 20 pupils, at least two adults, including the class teacher, are required. From 20 to 30 students, at least two adults are needed, including the class teacher. Finally, if there are more than 30 students, at least three adults, including the class teacher, are required.
• When it is a group with pupils in kindergarten and elementary school: if there are fewer than 20 pupils, at least two adults, including the class teacher, are required. From 20 to 30 students, at least three adults are needed, including the class teacher. Finally, if there are more than 30 students, at least four adults, including the class teacher, are required.

In the second degree, teaching and supervision can be provided by the physical education teacher(s). There the presence of a minimum of two adults, staff of the establishment, is recommended, regardless of the number of students.

Even if the supervisory and supervisory staff are present during swimming lessons, it is the teacher who is responsible for the students. Thus, in case of danger, it is up to them to interrupt the session. The liability of the professional or voluntary worker may be engaged if he commits a fault which is the cause of damage suffered or caused by a student.

Swimming in open bodies of water, such as at sea or in a river, is subject to the prior authorization of the Academic Director of the National Education Services, who will appreciate in view of a file, the security devices put in place.

The rules for swimming in a summer camp

For minors under the age of twelve, the bathing area must be materialized by buoys connected by a rope. When they are 12 and over, the bathing area must be marked out. The number of minors under the age of 6 present must not exceed 20 and one leader for every five minors must be present in the water. If they are over 6 years old, their number cannot exceed 40 and one leader for eight minors must be present in the water.

Bathing must be supervised by a person holding one of the following diplomas: bathing supervisor (Bafa or BAFD with the qualification “bathing supervisor”), national water rescue safety certificate (BNSSA); State certificate for sports instructor in swimming activities (Beesan), State certificate for sports instructor in swimming (Bees), State diploma for lifeguards (MNS), water surveillance certificate in Polynesia French. This qualification is not required in collective reception centers for minors exclusively welcoming minors aged over 14 years.

Rules in private swimming pools for individuals

The law does not provide for special provisions concerning the supervision of children bathing in private swimming pools. However, individuals must equip their pool with one of the following devices: a protective barrier (ideally installed one meter away from the pool), an audible alarm system (i.e. an alarm of immersion which alert when a child falls into the water) or an alarm perimeter, which informs you of the approach of a child to the pool, a safety cover (for example a tarpaulin), or a veranda-type shelter which completely covers the pool.

The equipment is compulsory for buried or semi-buried swimming pools. Failure to comply with this obligation is sanctioned by a fine of 45,000 euros. Swimming pools placed on the ground, inflatable or removable are not affected by this obligation.

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