Video length: 3 mins.
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In France, 55.9% of people over 55 work. In Sweden, it is 76.9%. Often cited as an example, the Swedish pension system, which encourages working later, has helped to balance finances according to experts. But according to some associations, it is also a vector of social inequalities.
Stockholm is the European capital of employment for seniors. Kim Rindell, 68, is a janitor in three buildings. These small jobs add almost 1,000 euros to his retirement pension of 1,800 euros. He found them through a temp agency specializing in the employment of seniors. There are about fifty in the country. In Sweden, where workers leave on average at 65, higher pensions and tax cuts encourage people to work later.
An unequal system
According to Ole Settergen, chief analyst at the Swedish Pensions Authority, “with this system, the budget is largely in surplus. According to our projections, this surplus is guaranteed for the next 75 years”. But this system does not suit women, whose pension is on average 30% lower than that of men. Precarious or arduous jobs, and choppy careers are also penalized. Inequalities denounced by associations, in the country often cited as a model.