Swann Arlaud in Yann Andréa, the last lover of Marguerite Duras, facing Emmanuelle Devos

Claire Simon adapts with Yann Andréa I would like to talk about Duras, interviews by Yann Andréa with Michèle Manceaux (Pauvert/Fayard editions), which comes out on Wednesday February 9. Swann Arlaud is exceptional in the role of the last companion of Marguerite Duras opposite Emmanuelle Devos who collects his confidences.

After two years of passion with Marguerite Duras, Yann Andréa asks a journalist friend to collect her confession, to shed light on this relationship between fascination, sex and submission.


To qualify as literary a film around Marguerite Duras is a pleonasm. Yes You only want me is essentially based on the verbal testimony of Yann Andrea/Swann Arlaud, his passionate and lucid words capture the attention from start to finish. The subject reflects the complexity of a love by which Duras wants to reverse the domination of men over women that has been in place for centuries. A speech that analyzes feelings, between passion, sex, manipulation, justice and power.

You only want me is the second film that tackles the love between a man and an older woman, a week after The Young Lovers. Thirty-eight years separated the novelist from her companion and the two films are signed by directors. Is the age difference always an obstacle to love? Obviously not for Yann Andréa, whose surname was suggested to her by Duras, as if she appropriated it.

It is this hold Duras has on Andréa and the questions it raises that dominate the film. Homosexual, which she cannot stand, the young journalist and writer will give up his preference in intense relationships illustrated by the very beautiful watercolors of Judith Fraggi in the film. From this point of view, Claire Simon refines the form, leaving behind the simple shot-reverse shot offered by the filming of a journalistic interview. Beautiful tracking shots, reconstructions, archives and film extracts diversify and energize the subject. More than a documentary or a biopic, You only want me wins the adhesion, beyond any voyeurism. The film tells us a lot about the novelist, and more broadly about love and its resentments.

Kind : Drama
Director: Claire Dennis
Actors : Swann Arlaud, Emmanuelle Devos, Christophe Paou
Country : France
Duration : 1h35
Exit : February 9, 2022
Distributer : DulacCast

Summary: Companion of Marguerite Duras for two years, Yann Andréa feels the need to speak: his passionate relationship with the writer no longer leaves him any freedom, he must put into words what enchants and tortures him. He asks a journalist friend to interview him to see more clearly. He will describe, with lucidity and sincerity, the complexity of his story, their love and the injunctions to which he is subject, those that women have endured for millennia…

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