“Sustainable”, or how to think about the food of tomorrow

After International Food Day, October 16, a fundamental reflection is necessary to include it in sustainable development.

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Reading time : 1 min.

One can sometimes wonder how food is concerned with sustainable development. In reality, the stakes are colossal, and it becomes political as eating well is part of everyone’s health to avoid additional costs of care, in the sustainability of the sectors by rewarding producers, and in respect of nature.

“We will have to measure and control the social, environmental and nutritional impact of food, warns Thierry Marx. To do this, we must ensure that the price paid to the farmer allows him to succeed in his own transition, we must monitor the cost of transport, logistics and storage, and finally we must put an end to this two-speed supply. who unfortunately settles in our country.”

On the one hand, in fact, the right product, which costs more and is not accessible to everyone. On the other side, over-processed foods at low prices, but harmful to health, by promoting obesity or accelerating certain chronic diseases.

“The purchasing power adjustment variable can no longer be done on food, protests Thierry Marx. Not only have we failed to eradicate hunger in the world, but we have accentuated junk food and the over-industrialization of food. However, I am hopeful that we will get there.”

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