A 37-year-old man lost his life in suspicious circumstances after being pushed down a flight of stairs in Pointe-Saint-Charles on Sunday. Less than two weeks earlier, two young men had been shot 200 meters away. However, there is no connection between the two cases, according to the SPVM.
Updated yesterday at 8:25 p.m.
The residents of Ash Street, in the Pointe-Saint-Charles district, are starting to get used to flashing lights. Sunday afternoon, a vast security perimeter was established by the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) at the corner of Ash and Le Ber streets, facing the park of the same name.

The SPVM forensic identification team was on the scene when the The Press.
The SPVM command post and forensic identification team moved to the scene after a man was found lying lifeless at the foot of an outside staircase. Emergency services were called around 12:30 p.m. Sunday. It would be an attack in a dwelling which ended with the fall of the victim, aged 37, explains Mariane Allaire-Morin, public relations officer for the SPVM, met on the spot.
In this sector, the buildings do not have high stairs in front. The attack would therefore have taken place, in all likelihood, in the rear. There, emergency exits and spiral staircases lead from many apartments to a parking lot.

A park is located very close to the place where the tragedy occurred.
When emergency services arrived, the victim was at the foot of the stairs. The police attempted resuscitation, without success. “His death was noted on the spot,” says Véronique Comtois, SPVM public relations officer.
A suspect was arrested in the evening and taken to a detention center, where he was to be met by investigators.
Ongoing investigation
The causes of death are not determined at this time nor the circumstances that led to the fall.
Was the man pushed? Did he fall? It’s not clear.
Mariane Allaire-Morin, Public Relations Officer for the SPVM
The thesis of the murder is indeed considered by the SPVM, but it is not confirmed, she specifies.

The SPVM must meet many witnesses as part of its investigation.
In particular, the SPVM must meet many witnesses who “saw or heard” what had happened, first in the apartment and then outside.
The nature of the relationship between the victim and the suspect – family, friends, etc. – is not known at this time.
Double attempted murder
The inhabitants of the district met by The Press around the security perimeter are surprised – and worried – about the events. It is that a little less than two weeks ago, on the night of July 27 to 28, 200 meters away in the same street, a similar police scene was taking place.
Two young men aged 18 and 20 were seriously injured by gunshots in a “double attempted murder”, according to Mme Allaire Morin. After being declared in critical condition at the hospital, their condition had finally stabilized.
“We do not think there is a link [entre les deux affaires] “, however, specified Mariane Allaire-Morin to The Press sunday.
Nevertheless, the residents of the district, composed of residential streets lined with apartment buildings surrounding a small park, are shaken.
Doris Lévesque, who lives a few minutes walk away, is worried about the recent violent events.
I go out less at night now. I do my day walks.
Doris Lévesque, resident of Pointe-Saint-Charles
For another resident, who has lived in the area for 30 years and who preferred to testify anonymously, the turn of events is worrying. ” [Samedi] evening, there were fireworks, but I was afraid [de sortir], he illustrates. I was like, “We’re going to be safer in the house.” »
The man affirms that the district, for at least 20 years, is very quiet. “We want to live in safety. Here, we say hello to everyone. But there, in the evening, there is no one in the courtyards, ”he laments.
Despite everything, life seems to be going on. On the way from The Presswalkers paced Le Ber Park, a father and son were playing basketball just in front of the police security perimeter, people were lounging on their balconies in the oppressive heat and others were doing exercises.
In the opinion of Marie-Nathalie Martineau, resident of Ash Street, this air of normality after such “abnormal” events is troubling. She would like to understand what is causing this wave of violence in her neighborhood.