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On Friday July 8, Michel Platini was acquitted after six years of proceedings in a decision of the Swiss criminal court. It was as a former UEFA boss that he was prosecuted on suspicion of fraud. The former footballer said he does not intend to stop there.
It’s not his greatest victory, but Michel Platini takes the time to savor it. Friday July 8, the former footballer was acquitted by the Swiss Criminal Court. He had been accused of fraud since 2015, for having received a payment of 1.8 million euros from FIFA. The case had shattered the ambitions of Michel Platini, approached in 2015 to take the lead in world football, following Sepp Blatter.
Before the Swiss court, Michel Platini explained that the payment received from FIFA was additional remuneration for his work between 1998 and 2002, as an adviser to Sepp Blatter. There was no contract, but, according to him, an oral negotiation. A version deemed plausible today by the court.
Triple golden ball, Michel Platini says today to have won a match, but he wants his revenge, and evokes a plot against him. He filed a complaint against Gianni Infantinosince elected to head FIFA. The current management of FIFA has not yet announced its intention, or not, to appeal.