suspicions of fraud are “very serious”, says Ursula von der Leyen

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2:03 p.m. : It’s 2 p.m., it’s time to take stock of the news:

“Whether it’s December 15 or January 10, it will be no to 64 years old and not to 65 years old”assured Franceinfo Yvan Ricordeau, national secretary of the CFDT, while Emmanuel Macron announced the postponement to January 10 of the presentation of the pension reform.

Suspicions of corruption within the European Parliament are “very serious”said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Follow our live.

• A virtual G7 summit notably devoted to the Russian invasion will be held this afternoon. Follow our live.

• The thermometer does not seem to be going up anytime soon. This afternoon, temperatures will hardly exceed 0°C. Six departments are placed in extreme cold yellow vigilance by Météo France.

1:23 p.m. : Hello and thank you ! Qatar reacted to AFP on Saturday. “Any allegation of misconduct by the State of Qatar demonstrates serious misinformation”said a Qatari government official.

1:23 p.m. : Hello Margaux, have you seen a reaction from Qatar on corruption in Brussels? Thank you for your excellent work

1:03 p.m. : “These allegations are extremely worrying. It is a matter of trust in the people at the heart of our institutions. This trust requires high standards of independence and integrity”clarified Ursula von der Leyen, recalling having proposed the creation of“an independent authority” on ethical issues in EU institutions.

1:02 p.m. : Suspicions of corruption within the European Parliament are “very serious”says European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

11:08 : Eva Kaili, 44, first made a name for herself as a news presenter for Greek television, before branching out into politics. Find his portrait drawn up by France 2.

11:04 am : The measure, which also applies to relatives of the elected, dismissed from the Greek socialist party Pasok-Kinal following this case, concerns “bank accounts, safes, companies and any other financial assets”said its president Haralambos Vourliotis.

11:04 am : New sanction against the Greek Vice-President of the European Parliament. The Greek Anti-Money Laundering Authority announces that it is freezing all of Eva Kaili’s assets.

10:34 am : The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, judge “very worrying” them “serious charges” brought against the Greek Vice-President of the European Parliament, Eva Kaili. “An investigation is underway and we are following it”he said on his arrival for a meeting of European Union foreign ministers

10:23 : The vice-president of the National Rally, Sébastien Chenu, announces on France 2 the opening of a commission of inquiry into foreign interference in France. An announcement which comes after the indictment and detention for “corruption” of the Greek vice-president of the European Parliament.

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