Two homeless, traveling in a motorhome, appeared this Tuesday before the criminal court of Laval, in Mayenne, for violence in meetings and violence with a weapon, which occurred on September 4, 2021 at a couple in Congrier, in South Mayenne. In total, three victims are civil partiesthe couple and a friend of this couple.
The two defendants, a 39-year-old Angevin and a 60-year-old German, reproach the companion for a slap that he would have given to one of their friends. During the hearing, the president recalled that the facts were very complex. The prosecutor demanded 1 year suspended sentence for the Angevin and 8 month suspended sentence for the German. Judgment has been reserved for March 15.
“Are you the Gaul?”
That day, the first defendant decides to go to the companion’s home for a “punitive expedition” qualifies the prosecutor. The second accompanies him, “to defend him” he said at the bar. Both are drunkthe first has a blood alcohol level of 1.32 g per liter, he has a gunloaded with blanks and a balaclava, which he does not use, it was just for “warm up” he completes, “I didn’t turn it down entirely”. The Angevin arrives in front of the couple’s home: “is it you who are nicknamed the Gaul?” he throws to the companion from the street, “why did you slap my friend” asks the man before trying to get in through the window. He finally succeeds and there he takes a correction. The Angevin, blocked at the level of the throat by the companion, still manages to get rid of his grip biting him in the thigh.
Two opposing versions
One version considers that the defendant then put his gun to the victim’s temple, a version contested by the two defendants. A fight breaks out between the five protagonists, the defendants argue that they are the victims, that they could not escape from the scene of the dispute. The victims, for their part, affirm that they defended themselves. The fight ceased when the police arrived. “Why were you carrying a weapon?” asks the president, “I was warned that it was dangerous”responds first. “But precisely, this is not a reason to go there if it is dangerous”replies the president.
“What did you go to do in this galley”he asks the two defendants. “They were the ones who attacked us first”claims the German at the bar, who defends himself after an error in the assignment of his lawyer (he was a lawyer from the same firm as that of the victims). “It’s a mistake that the two showed up that night”adds the lawyer for the first defendant “but we have no certainty in the end of what happened”she concludes “and what the victims say is not always right”.
“I tried to pull my colleague out of there when he went through the window but the lady wanted to stab me”says the German at the helm, “so I held his wrist to make him let go of the knife”which refutes the victim sitting in the room. “I also took a blow from a chair in the arm”adds the defendant who claims to have had his wrist broken. “These knife wounds, found on Monsieur, come from where?” asks the lawyer for the first defendant. A question that remained unanswered.
The two accused in any case admitted the facts reproached but making it clear that it was the victims who attacked them first.
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