suspected of raping an elderly person, he is finally arrested hiding in a trash can

A 37-year-old man was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention, suspected of aggravated rape and robbery with a weapon, learned France Bleu Armorique from concordant sources, confirming information from our colleagues from Ouest-France. On the night of March 21 to 22, he is suspected of having raped and assaulted a 73-year-old woman in a town near Liffré (Ille-et-Vilaine) before fleeing.

Around midnight, the gendarmes are called by a neighbor of the victim, with whom she has taken refuge. A patrol is dispatched to the scene, but the suspect, identified as the grandson of a friend of the elderly person, fled. He also stole the victim’s car. The first searches remain in vain, the man is not found, indicates a source close to the investigation.

A major research system deployed

In the early morning, new call to 17: residents have just seen a man with suspicious behavior, who came to retrieve his vehicle, parked nearby At the sight of the soldiers, he fled and tried to lose the gendarmes. He ends up taking a dead end and abandons his car before fleeing on foot.

An important research device is put in place: a helicopter is deployed to freeze the area. A specialized dog is hired: thanks to the suspect’s belongings left in the vehicle, he tracks the trace. The man was finally discovered several kilometers away, hidden in a recycling bin at a private home. He was easily arrested, before being taken into custody.

The man, already known to justice, in particular for acts of violence, “was referred to the Rennes prosecutor’s office on March 24 and a criminal judicial investigation was opened with an investigating judge for theft with a weapon and aggravated rape. He was placed in pre-trial detention“, specifies the public prosecutor of Rennes, Philippe Astruc, contacted by France Bleu Armorique.

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