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We are now on the 32nd day of the conflict in Ukraine, marked by Russian bombardments and Ukrainian resistance. The daily life of the inhabitants is punctuated by the sound of sirens calling them to take refuge in the shelters.
Forget the war for a few moments. A few musical notes resound in the metro of Kharkiv (Ukraine), while outside, Russian bombs annihilate the city. The subway is the ultimate refuge for terrorized civilians. In one station, more than 700 people are crammed. AT kyiv (Ukraine), to find a semblance of intimate life, the wagons are transformed into apartments. Despite the war, life is organized in the Ukrainian city of Mikolaiv.
Supermarkets remain open, but some shelves are empty. AT outside, the Ukrainians try to protect their monuments, a form of resistance, as with the statue of Taras Shevchenkothe greatest Ukrainian poet. AT Mariupol (Ukraine), where everything is destroyed, the last inhabitants bury their dead at the foot of buildings, or even in public gardens.