Survey: are animal mutuals really profitable?


Video length: 4 mins.


Article written by

A. Chopin, C. Guyon, D. Brigand, N. Salem, S. Lerch, R. Chapelard, M. MariniA. Chopin, C. Guyon, D. Brigand, N. Salem, S. Lerch, R. Chapelard, M. Marini – France 2

France Televisions

Pet owners sometimes spend very large sums to care for them. To meet expenses, more and more of them are taking out health insurance. Do they really allow them to save money?

How to meet veterinary expenses? The bill can quickly climb, so some owners take out mutual insurance to limit the costs. Is it really interesting? For three years, Sarah Perez’s Husky has had epilepsy, a serious chronic illness, and a budget for its owner: 1,000 euros for a first scan, as well as several visits to the neurologist at 150 euros per consultation. Thanks to her mutual, that she pays 150 euros per month, almost all his expenses are covered.

Binding conditions

Veterinary costs have skyrocketed in recent years. Often, the veterinarians themselves advise to take out mutual insurance.This will help smooth out expenses over a year”, says Laurent Masson, veterinarian. However, insurers no longer accept the animal after 7 or 8 years, and may also refuse to reimburse costs for a pre-existing illness. As for prices, an entry-level format at 20 euros per month guarantees a reimbursement rate of 60%, for an annual ceiling of 1,100 euros, while a package at 100 euros per month covers 100% of expenses for a ceiling annual of 2,500 euros.

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