Surprise! With baby bottle in hand, singer Britney Spears celebrates ‘arrival of a new member’ in her family

Since Britney Spears began a procedure to free herself from the tutelage of her father, the singer has been sparking a lot of ink. It all started in 2007 when Britney Spears chained up controversies and suffered from severe depression. Often on the front page of celebrity magazines for rather dark affairs, the interpreter of “Baby One More Time” crossed the red line when she decided to shave her head, in the middle of the night, in a hairdressing salon. And this, in front of a dozen paparazzi gathered in front of the windows of the hairdressing salon. The images had quickly traveled the world.

Reason why her father Jamie Spears decided to put her back on the right track. But thirteen years later, Britney Spears felt it was time to regain her freedom. For several years, she has been sending worrying signals to her millions of fans, determined to help their idol by launching the #FreeBritney movement. Britney Spears won her case last September. A judge in Los Angeles has indeed decided to suspend Jamie Spears from his tutelage, suspected of abusive treatment.

Finally released, Britney Spears has decided to take charge of her life. In particular by accepting the engagement request of her darling Sam Asghari with whom she has been in a relationship for more than four years. A happy event that seems to give the couple ideas! This Tuesday, December 14, 2021, Britney Spears once again created a surprise on her Instagram account.

The singer appears, from the back next to her Christmas tree, in a video where she is holding a bottle in her hand. Unable to know if the bottle is given to a newborn or an animal but in any case, Britney Spears celebrated “the arrival of a new member” within his family. “Become whether it’s a boy or a girl,” writes Britney Spears in the caption of her new video. In the comments, Internet users were very surprised by this announcement. Especially since Britney Spears is very active on social networks and no baby bump has been spotted by her community in recent months! Some therefore deduce that it would be a cat … To be continued!


See also: “I had a baby”: Surprise … Britney Spears makes a big announcement!

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