surprise, the series finally makes its big comeback on television in 2024!

In February 2022, the series “Plus belle la vie” broadcast on France for more than 17 years, came to an abrupt end. After 18 seasons and 4500 episodes, the program which revealed Laëtitia Milot, Laurent Kerusoré, Fabienne Carat, Sylvie Flepp, Cécilia Hornus, Serge Dupire, Rebecca Hampton, Hélène Médigue, or even Dounia Coesens disappeared from the screens, to the great misfortune of the fans .

Between 2006 and 2014, the series had several audience successes with no less than 5 million loyal viewers and at the rendezvous behind their television sets every evening. Following a drop in audience from 2018, the program finally attracted “only” 2.5 million viewers on average, which greatly worried production. Competing from other series such as “Tomorrow belongs to us” on TF1, or “Un si grand soleil” on France, the program was finally stopped, leaving the actors and production teams in disarray.

More beautiful life: an unexpected return two years after the cessation of filming
While the rumor has been spreading for a few weeks, it is now official. “More beautiful life” will make a comeback… on TF1 ! The big announcement that delights the fans was made this Sunday, July 16, 2023 by the deputy general manager in charge of the group’s content, Ara Aprikian, in the columns of Figaro.“Plus Belle la Vie will be relaunched in early 2024 on the TF1 channel” he proudly declared.

For his part, Vincent Meslet, the general manager of the production company Newen, in charge of the production of the series since its origin and bought by the TF1 group gave more details: “The start of filming is scheduled for mid-October. It will not be a simple sequel, but a new creation. We are putting together a team mixing new authors with the heirs of Plus Belle la vie. […] The series must engage fans from the start and at the same time open up to new audiences unfamiliar with the brand”.

If we can therefore expect the cast to expand, everything suggests that the plot will nevertheless remain in Marseille. “There will be new places to get closer to the Marseille of today”. But let the fans be reassured, Laurent Kérusoré (Thomas Marci), Marwan Berreni (Abdel Fedala), Sylvie Flepp (Mirta Torres), Léa François (Barbara Évenot), Stéphane Hénon (Jean-Paul Boher), Cécilia Hornus (Blanche Marci) will resume all their roles. It remains to be seen at what time the series will be broadcast since the channel already offers similar series just before the 8 p.m. newscast.


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