Surprise appearance of Mamie Rock on TikTok… The Boudou clan takes it for its rank!

It’s been five years since Johnny Hallyday left. After a long battle with illness, the famous rocker breathed his last in 2017 at the age of 74. The clan of the star literally imploded after the opening of his will. Indeed, the interpreter of “Envy” had designated Laeticia Hallyday and their two daughters Jade and Joy as sole beneficiaries.

A choice that greatly hurt Johnny’s elders: David Hallyday and Laura Smet. After a long legal battle, the companion of Jalil Lespert was able to record an agreement kept secret out of sight. But to this day, the tensions have still not disappeared. “After the funeral, David and Laura promised my daughters to protect them, to be there for them, to call them at Christmas, to come and see us in February in Los Angeles. None of that happened and we ended up, my daughters and I, assigned by my stepchildren! Jade and Joy suffer from it today. They ask for news of their brother and their sister,” had regretted Laeticia Hallyday to our colleagues from Point.

“Build yourself a life…”

For her part, the businesswoman strives to move forward. She struggles to pay off her late husband’s debts. At the same time, Laeticia Hallyday takes pleasure in perpetuating the artistic heritage of Taulier: the traveling exhibition which honors her career should meet with great success. On the Web, his eldest daughter Jade Hallyday is essential. Especially on TikTok.

In this festive period, Emma Smet’s aunt takes full advantage of her loved ones. On the famous platform, the latter – once again – distinguished herself in dance. In the background, her subscribers were able to see her great-grandmother Elyette Boudou, affectionately nicknamed “Mamie Rock”. But some Internet users were not kind: “ Team Boudou in all its bullshit. Ridiculous. Build a life”, “You’re showing off too much”, “Poor girl, you’re like Boudou”, “She has nothing of the Hallyday lol”, “No nothing at all, not at all Hallyday, they were brought up like their defiant mother. Silence is sometimes the best answer…


@jadehallyday♬ original sound – ㅤ

to see also: Laeticia Hallyday and Jalil Lespert: an increasingly scary couple!

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