Supreme inconsistency | The duty

[…] The United States Supreme Court has signed the overturning of the pro-abortion ruling Roe v. Wade, that yet 70% of Americans support according to a May 2022 poll. And in another judgment involving the coal industry, the Court severely limits the power of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate emissions greenhouse gas emissions, although a vast majority of Americans (72%) still see climate change as a real problem according to a 2021 Yale University poll.

It is then easy to see that the influence of a certain profit-hungry business world and of religious pressure groups has just reached a new height with American political institutions. The judiciary, the Supreme Court […] is no longer an instrument of progress and stability as it once was. It is clear that it is gradually becoming a simple ideological and dogmatic body of certain influential minorities whose interests go against the will of the majority in violation of the principle of separation of powers so dear to the Founding Fathers. In this context, it is not surprising that its prestige and credibility are increasingly decreasing, according to what other recent soundings indicate.

Finally, it is interesting to underline the contradictory character and the inconsistency of these two judgments of the American Supreme Court concerning abortion and greenhouse gases. On the one hand, we seek to protect life at all costs, but on the other hand, we take anti-environmental measures which pollute the atmosphere of future generations and which weaken more than ever the sustainability of human life on Earth. by contributing to the climate crisis…

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