Supreme Court rules on Biden’s cancellation of student debt

The United States Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to urgently review a landmark measure by President Joe Biden aimed at canceling the debt of millions of students.

The high court will dedicate a hearing to it in February or March, according to a brief order posted on its website.

In the meantime, she has refused to lift the blocking of this policy by the courts.

The Democratic president, who poses as a defender of the working classes, announced at the end of August the cancellation by the federal government of part of the colossal American student debt, up to 10,000 or even 20,000 dollars per borrower depending on the case.

This project, whose cost to public finances is estimated at 400 billion dollars, was immediately taken to court by several conservative states which denounced an abuse of power in the run-up to the mid-term elections.

In mid-November, a federal appeals court awarded them a stage victory and blocked implementation of the measure.

The Democratic administration then turned to the Supreme Court to ask it to overturn this decision.

In parallel, the government extended until June a moratorium on the debt of millions of students put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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