Suppression of the AME, march against anti-Semitism… Aurélien Rousseau’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The Minister of Health and Prevention was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday November 12.

Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday November 12. Removal by the Senate of State Medical Aid in the immigration law, march against anti-Semitism and controversy around the presence of the National Rally… He answered questions by Jean-Rémi Baudot and Hadrien Bect.

The AME, an “essential public health device”

“State medical aid must remain a public health system” believes Aurélien Rousseau. “The government will fight so that doctors do not have to exercise civil disobedience”reacted the minister after the platform signed by some 3,500 salaried and self-employed doctors opposed to the abolition of state medical aid (AME) for undocumented immigrants.

The Senate adopted on Tuesday, November 7, an amendment tabled by LR senators providing for the abolition of the AME, a system which fully covers the health costs of foreigners in an irregular situation present in France for at least three months, and transformed it into “emergency medical aid” during the examination of the immigration bill. The text must now be examined by the National Assembly.

“The AME treats individuals and protects the population as a whole. If we put everything back on the hospital, we will make a huge mistake.”

Aurélien Rousseau

at franceinfo

The minister is not closing the door to “reform” of the AME but recalls the “fundamentals” according to him : “It must remain a public health system and the notion of emergency is not the right one to approach this subject”. Aurélien Rousseau insists: “We will never switch to a system such as emergency medical aid” .

As for the necessary approval from the right to pass the text, the minister hits the nail on the head: “There is a lot of uncertainty about everyone’s positions. What I am sure of is that community medicine, that private doctors, must participate in the care of sick foreign people , even if they have no papers and all this is not sent to the hospital.”

Anti-Semitism: LFI “allows the laundering of dirty money from the RN”

Asked about his presence at the march against anti-Semitism planned for this Sunday in Paris, Aurélien Rousseau believes that the National Rally is not “not in the same place” than the other participants. This party “use this fight against anti-Semitism to be able to better hit our Muslim compatriots”estimates the Minister of Health.

France Insoumise will not be present during the march. “There are positions among LFI deputies which are untenable” considers Aurélien Rousseau, citing in particular “that of MP Guiraud who seemed to blame Israel for certain terrorist acts of Hamas.”

For the Minister of Health, “Insoumise France allows the laundering of dirty money” of the National Rally, which, according to him, can then appear as “bearer of the defense of the fight against anti-Semitism”. “I find this game deleterious for the Republic”, concludes Aurélien Rousseau.


Find the entire “8.30 franceinfo” by Aurélien Rousseau from Sunday November 12, 2023:

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