Supporters of Eric Zemmour simulate shooting on Emmanuel Macron and elected “rebellious” in videos on social networks

Chilling images. Two supporters of Eric Zemmour have posted videos on social networks in which they train shooting and in particular imagine targeting Emmanuel Macron and the elected officials of France Insoumise, Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière.

The videos, revealed on Twitter by the Young Guard, an anti-fascist group, and by Mediapart, show a man wearing a “Ben voir” cap, a tic in the language of Eric Zemmour set up as a trademark by his fans, exercising with a sniper rifle.

“Well let’s see friends, who are we going to break out there? From the young gaucho, the young communist, the young mental bougnoule”, laughs the young man, before firing with a big caliber. Rifle in play, he then mimics surprise: “Ah, Emmanuel Macron!” and fires a second shot.

In another video shot at the same location, another young man targets the ex-spokesperson for France Insoumise Raquel Garrido. Rifle in hand, he explains “train to hunt wild Garrido” before firing, then firing a second time, evoking her husband, the LFI deputy Alexis Corbière.

In the same sequence, the man openly imagines himself shooting “antifas and leftists”, as well as on people of North African origin. “There are Algerian and Moroccan flags, I saw there, so we will hurry to shoot”, he blurted out. According to the newspaper, which had access to his private Instagram account, he introduced himself there until recently as “military” and “Catholic”.

The LFI parliamentary group denounced in a press release the “threats (…) as unacceptable as they are odious” targeting its two elected officials. Party MPs also said “appalled by the lack of reaction from the country’s political authorities to this hatred and violence.”

The Pharos platform, responsible for the fight against illegal content on the Internet, was seized after reports from Internet users concerning the videos.

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