Support the next generation | The duty

This text is part of the special Business Tourism booklet

While the tourism sector is recovering in Quebec, the next generation of professionals needs support. The Quebec Tourism Industry Alliance (AITQ) is now at the helm of the Alliance for the Next Generation Foundation (FAR), whose objective is to promote and support young people in the development of their careers.

The AITQ, which represents more than 10,000 businesses and some fifty regional and sectoral tourism associations, is the largest provincial business federation specializing in tourism in Canada. Consultations with the industry and the next generation to better understand the new realities and new needs revealed a desire to strengthen expertise and a certain community spirit. A clear demand for better monitoring when entering the labor market was formulated.

“We realized that once out of school, [les jeunes travailleurs] are often left to their own devices, points out Martin Soucy, President and CEO of the AITQ and of the foundation. The accompaniment factor is therefore fundamental for us. Faced with this observation, the FAR, a new version of the Quebec Foundation for the next generation in tourism, pursues three objectives: to highlight academic excellence, support professional development and integrate young people working in the industry during the five years following their graduation.

Scholarships totaling $100,000 over three years will be awarded to highlight the best academic careers, but also to help young people who wish to benefit from professional advice to launch a business or a particular project. In addition, co-development groups will be set up to foster exchanges between young people and mentors, that is, professionals who are well established in the industry.


The resumption of the reins of the FAR was decided in 2019, at the gates of the pandemic. “We had to put the project on hold to manage the crisis with the entire industry, says Martin Soucy. It was complicated for all tourism professions. The prevailing uncertainty has had an effect on college and university registrations, with a marked drop in tourism programs.

“We don’t want to intervene to pollinate young people and tell them to study tourism. First and foremost, we want to recognize the journey of young people and their involvement,” says Martin Soucy. The AITQ does not claim that it will solve the labor shortage either, but it is determined to ensure that the sector is attractive and that the next generation wants to make a long-term commitment to development. cities and regions of Quebec.

The numbers are encouraging. For example, the average occupancy rate of hotels in Quebec City has not yet caught up to its 2019 level, but it started to rise again in 2022. It was 84.8% last summer, compared to 60.5% in 2021 and 43.1% in 2020, according to data compiled by the organization Destination Québec cited. According to the Tourism Watch Network, which surveys a sample of Quebec entrepreneurs on a quarterly basis, 53% of organizations judged their turnover to be up in 2022 compared to 2021. An encouraging prospect for the future and the careers in this field.

Tourism of values

The activities of the FAR will make it possible to apprehend recent developments such as the emergence of a tourism of values, centered on sustainable development, respect for local populations and solidarity between host establishments. Mr. Soucy is enthusiastic about the success of local events, such as the Kamouraska Forest Mushroom Festival and Mushroom Month. “Slow travel” also seems popular. “People want to travel less often, but longer,” he says. Go to the corner cafe, it’s the fun, but going there two or three times is even better for soaking up the place. »

The next generation is completely ready for this turning point, according to Mr. Soucy, who foresees a return of young people to less urbanized and more natural spaces. At the same time, this generation is very digitally rooted, an aspect that is now essential in the tourism sector.

“It’s a unique industry that stands out globally. We are here for the regions, for the Quebec economy and to do good to people, concludes the enthusiast. What a beautiful job! This is what makes you want to set off to discover the immensity of the territory and the treasures of the Belle Province.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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