Support for the presidential majority and the future of the Republicans … Aurélien Pradié’s “8:30 franceinfo”

The secretary general of the Republicans and deputy of Lot was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo” on Tuesday August 2.

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Aurélien Pradié, secretary general of the Republicans and deputy of Lot was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo” on Tuesday August 2. He answered questions from Céline Asselot and Jean-François Achilli.

Support for the presidential majority: “these are antics”

“These are antics. Clowns are useless in the National Assembly”, answered this Tuesday on franceinfo Aurélien Pradié, while the right is accused of having supported the majority on the measures to support purchasing power. “The deputies of the Rassemblement national are frustrated. The deputies of the Rassemblement national have made noise but have obtained nothing. I understand that the deputies Nupes or Rassemblement national are very angry to see that the French realize that they do not are of no use to the National Assembly”, he added.

“We must change everything among the Republicans”

“We must change everything among the Republicans”, estimated Aurélien Pradié, deputy Les Républicains du Lot. “Our electorate no longer exists”, added MP LR from Lot. The issue of the election of the president of the Republicans “will be to gather. In the month of December, we can risk the explosion with the affirmation of certain political lines that would fracture our family”, considers the deputy of Lot. “You have to talk to all French people, be a popular right. It’s about rewriting a new page.”

Aurélien Pradié does not yet position himself as a candidate for the presidency of the Republicans. “It’s a decision that I am in the process of maturing, I will take it during the summer and I will announce it at the start of the school year.”

Find the full interview.

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