Support for the Parti Québécois | The duty

What a pleasure to see and hear singer Daniel Boucher support the Parti Québécois (PQ) and Paul St-Pierre Plamondon during the latter’s visit to Gaspésie! Cheer !

But where are the others? All these artists and “personalities” who said they were independentists at one time, where are they? Why this silence ? Some are surely dead and others may have lost their illusions… And some, as many Quebecers would have apparently done, may have taken refuge in this mysterious “elsewhere”, this other dimension where we are promised heyday of Quebec within a united Canada.

How comfortable it is, this warmth that envelops us; but it takes us back… history repeats itself.

The straitjacket of Canadian federalism, although it sometimes seems to be loosening, is still present, and it will keep us on a leash as long as we tolerate it.

Independents know this.

It is therefore time for these separatists, those who take responsibility, to stand up and say it loud and clear!

To see in video

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