Support for Iranian women: Louise Deschâtelets cuts her hair on TV

In solidarity with the struggle of Iranian women, Louise Deschâtelets cut a lock of her hair live on the set of the show “Le monde à l’envers”, Friday evening

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Following the movement taken by many French personalities in recent days, such as Juliette Armanet, Apple, Isabelle Huppert, Marion Cotillard or the Belgian singer Angèle, the actress and debater brandished her pair of scissors at the very end of the show and cut a small lock of hair.

Louise Deschâtelets cutting her wick in solidarity with Iranian women, during the filming of the show Le Monde à l'envers, hosted by Stéphan Bureau, live and in front of an audience, at TVA studios, in Montreal on Friday, October 7, 2022.

Yasmine Abdelfadel had also brought her pair of scissors to the set of the show hosted by Stéphan Bureau on Friday.

Louise Deschâtelets cutting her wick in solidarity with Iranian women, during the filming of the show Le Monde à l'envers, hosted by Stéphan Bureau, live and in front of an audience, at TVA studios, in Montreal on Friday, October 7, 2022.

Recall that Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, died last September, three days after her arrest for violating the dress code of the Islamic Republic, which, among other things, requires women to wear the veil.

  • Listen to a podcast of TVA’s “Le monde à l’envers” broadcast live every Friday at 8 p.m. via QUB-radio :

Her death sparked a wave of protests in Iran and rallies in solidarity with Iranian women around the world.

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