Supply issues | White House promises new measures in January

(Washington) The White House announced Wednesday that it would take new measures “later” in January to further alleviate congestion problems at US ports.

Posted at 17:39 yesterday

“We have seen very significant progress in ports with a 40% decrease in the time a container is docked,” White House adviser Brian Deese said at a press conference.


Brian Deese, White House National Economy Advisor

The Biden administration had pushed in October for the 24-hour opening of the port of Los Angeles, the largest in the United States, to speed up the disembarkation of goods and reduce the queue of freighters awaiting their turn. to unload.

Then in early November, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach had imposed a levy on shipping carriers on their cargoes staying on the docks for more than eight days.

“But on this front, there is still work to be done. That is why later this month we will be taking further action with ports across the country to find locations to move product and impose new costs on empty containers that remain at the dock, ”a- he indicated.

The Biden administration believes that “this is the best way to help expand the economy’s ability to provide goods and services to the American people.”

He said the country “was in a unique and strong economic situation in many respects” but recognized that it was necessary to tackle the rise in prices which weighed down the budget of American households.

Inflation accelerated by 7% in 2021, a level not seen since June 1982.

“Our goal now is to assess where we are and to try to solve the problems we face in order to try to accelerate the course of the economic recovery”, also commented Brian Deese.

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