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Mustard, oil… Some products are missing from supermarket shelves. This could be accentuated in the months to come with the energy crisis.
In recent months, shortages have been linked on supermarket shelves. Some products, such as biscuits, mustard, sauces or coffee, are missing. Out-of-shelf rates reached 5.7% in August 2022, a record high. In comparison, this rate was 3.8% in August 2021. Some customers, for fear of shortages, have stored. “I took two jars of mustard, but I took a big one and a small one (…) a little more than usual”says a woman.
Mustard, vinaigrette, products for the fire, oil, still and sparkling water are lacking. These shortages are partly due to the war in Ukraine, the weather, transport slowed down by the Covid. “We risk having a little greater shortages in the months to come because of the rise in the price of energy for certain industrialists”, says an industry expert. These breaks would have generated 2.7 billion euros in lost earnings.