Superior Propane | Steelworkers adopt strike mandate

A strike threat looms at Superior Propane, which delivers propane to commercial, residential customers and farmers.

The Steelworkers union, which is affiliated with the FTQ, indicated Monday that the 135 members of its local section concerned have just adopted a strike mandate, to be exercised at the appropriate time.

The accreditation unit brings together propane delivery drivers, but also technicians, customer service and administrative billing assistants.

The union specifies that “a significant part” of this propane is delivered to farmers, who use it to dry and heat the material in silos, as well as to heat animal farms. Businesses, restaurants and residential customers would also be affected in the event of a walkout.

The union members unanimously rejected the employer’s latest offer and, at the same time, gave themselves this strike mandate.

Salary is the main point in dispute.

Reached by telephone and email, the employer had not yet commented at the time of writing.

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