Super Bowl | Taylor Swift inspires sports betting

Who will be shown first during the national anthem: Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce or both? How long in total will the singer be shown live on screen? What color will his sweater be? Will both of his parents be at the game?

Believe it or not, here are some questions posted on betting websites in preparation for the highly anticipated Super Bowl, which will take place on February 11 in Nevada.

In the United States, the question is on everyone’s lips: performing in Japan the day before the Super Bowl, will singer Taylor Swift come to encourage her lover, Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce, at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on Sunday ?

The frenzy is such that sites like BetUS, in Costa Rica, and BetOnline. ag, in Antigua and Barbuda, have opened online betting on the presence of Taylor Swift. At theAssociated Pressthe team of the BetMGM site, located in Ontario, indicated that it was awaiting advice from Canadian authorities before offering such bets.

In the United States, betting laws vary from state to state, but generally speaking, betting is limited to what happens on the field, says theAssociated Press.

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