Sunwing singled out: fifty suitcases sacrificed for food

The airline Sunwing is once again singled out by travelers, who were leaving Montreal to go to Cuba, because of undelivered luggage.

On March 24, Sunwing had to sacrifice about fifty suitcases belonging to passengers leaving them in Montreal in order to supply hotels in Cayo Largo with food.

More than thirty passengers had to spend the week without their suitcase. Some had to make do with a sweater and a pair of shorts for the whole week.

Note that it is practically impossible for tourists to obtain basic hygiene items in Cayo Largo since most of the stores are souvenir shops and hotels.

Sunwing tried to correct the situation by offering travelers financial compensation of $400 usable in various stores on Cayo Largo. However, several of the passengers refused since there are no general stores in town.

Christian Lachappelle, one of the travellers, agreed to tell his misadventure to TVA Nouvelles.

“When we were waiting at the carousel, we asked where the suitcases were. A guy told us that there were no more. You’re buying yourself a trip, I needed a week off to rest, and I’ve been stressed all week. (…) We don’t deserve that! This is really unacceptable! I’ve been with them for at least 20 trips,” he says.

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