Sunday is Grandmother’s Day and La Maison Florence in Mont-de-Marsan has everything planned

Fortunately, La Maison Florence in Mont-de-Marsan and Florence Cail remember to remind us that this Sunday we celebrate grandmothers. Florence, who excels in pastry, has planned all the great classics of French pastry to delight our grannies. Like his “pet”, the Paris Brest or even rum baba!

Paris-Brest and rum baba from Maison Florence in Mont-de-Marsan. © Radio France

You will also find Bourdaloue tart, chocolate, lemon, … VSholly, pear, Russian, Saint-Honoré,
Be careful, remember to order very quickly because La Maison Florence only makes fresh and super fresh!

A special “Grandmother’s Day” subscription

La Maison Florence offers you a subscription to give to your grandmothers: for 35 euros, for 10 weeks your grandmother can come and choose her little pastry. A formula that allows you to repeat your attention over time, like a blink of an eye over the weeks.

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