Sunday in politics: For François Hollande, “no clothing, no religious sign should be in the school institution”

The date of October 16 marks the anniversary of the death of Samuel Paty, a history and geography teacher who was assassinated after showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class. Over the past few days, several teachers have been threatened for them same reasons. The sign of a rise in communitarianism? “There has been a rise for several years now of what is called Salafism, and a creeping Islamism which tries to put pressure, in particular on the educational institution, so that there are relaxations with regard to the laws (… ) which allow religions or religious signs to have no place in the schools of the Republic”comments François Hollande, received, Sunday, October 16, on the set of Sunday in politics by Francis Lettelier.

The former president recalls the existence of the 2004 law prohibiting religious symbols at school, passed under Jacques Chirac. “No clothing, no religious sign should be in the school institution. (…) you have to be firm, but you have to have the law, nothing but the law and all the law“, he decides.

The government could use 49-3 to pass the pension reform. According to François Hollande, the main thing now is to make a decision. “When the debate has taken place, and there is no majority, the constitution provides that recourse to 49-3 is possible“, he recalls. “At some point, the budget has to be voted on,” continues the former president.

The CEO of Total, Patrick Pouyanné, has increased by 50% and now earns 5.9 million per year. The group will pay 2.6 billion to shareholders. “My enemy is finance“, declared François Hollande in 2012. Ten years later, he believes that “when there are high profits, it is normal that it is the tax which can recover part of these profits“. He suggests raising the corporate tax “for the greatest benefits”beyond a certain amount of profit“.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, François Hollande is firm. “Alas, the war will continue. Because the Ukrainians are going to want to recover the territories that belong to them, [et] because Vladimir Putin considers that he does not even have enough”. According to the former president, the idea of ​​negotiations proposed by Emmanuel Macron does not hold. “Today for the Ukrainians, any negotiation would be a victory for Vladimir Putin,” he said.

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