Summer readings | What will our columnists read?

Summer is coming next week and so are vacations for many of us. Our columnists tell you what they will read during the summer season.

Posted at 9:00 a.m.

Revisit François Blais

Chantal Guy

Chantal Guy
The Press

I always take advantage of the summer to have fun, discovering or rediscovering an author. The tragic death of the writer François Blais last May, whom many consider to be the worthy heir of Réjean Ducharme, made me want to return to his work – in particular his first novel, Ifigenia in Upper Town, which I haven’t read yet. Because I know in advance that it is with happiness that I will reread Handout 1a gem of self-mockery and erudition of which only a writer of the caliber of Blais is capable.

Ifigenia in Upper Town

Ifigenia in Upper Town

the very moment

204 pages

Everything is ori, by Paul Serge Forest

Marc Cassivi

Marc Cassivi
The Press

I was waiting for the summer holidays on the shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to immerse myself in Everything is ori, a mysterious story set in a community on the North Shore, around a family business specializing in the processing of seafood products. Paul Serge Forest, pseudonym of a Montreal doctor from the North Shore, won in 2021 the Robert-Cliche prize for the first novel unanimously for this book “abounding and elusive, as destabilizing as it is irresistible” with writing “full of wit and humor”, according to my colleague Iris Paradis-Gagnon. Sold !

Everything is ori

Everything is ori

VLB editor

456 pages

take me homeby Isabelle Doré

Mario Girard

Mario Girard
The Press

The first rustlings came from friends who told me that it was “very good”, especially when one is interested in theatre. Isabelle Doré, who signs this book, lived in this red and gold world. Daughter of actress Charlotte Boisjoli and director Fernand Doré, goddaughter of Françoise Graton, spouse of Gilles Pelletier, Isabelle Doré wanted to talk about them in her own way. For this, she stayed away from the biographical framework and created paintings made of memories and observations. The language is beautiful, pierced with truth and frankness.

take me home

take me home

Full moon

320 pages

source site-53