Suicide of Miss USA: Cheslie Kryst’s mother lifts the veil on her “severe depression”

The death of Cheslie Kryst, Miss USA 2019, has upset an entire community. At only 30 years old, the body of the young woman was found lifeless at the foot of her New York building on Sunday January 30. The authorities and the investigation quickly concluded that it was a suicide, a gesture that his relatives and many acquaintances considered impossible until the end.

However, April Simpkins, mother of the deceased, could only confirm this thesis. In a letter to the magazine People, she confided in the illness from which her daughter suffered: “I have never known such pain. I will never be the same again. What family and friends privately knew was the cause of death of my adorable baby Cheslie, which has been officially confirmed, she wrote in her letter. And if it’s hard to believe, it’s the truth. Cheslie led a public life and a private life. In private spheres, she suffered from severe depression which she hid from everyone, including me, her closest confidante. Until very shortly before his death“.

The announcement of the death of Cheslie Kryst had upset the world of Miss. Iris Mittenaere, Miss Universe, the first: “I feel sick. Rest in peace, beautiful angel. We will miss you“, she wrote in story Instagram. A few minutes before performing her fatal gesture, Cheslie Kryst published a final photo of her on social networks, the caption of which took on a whole new meaning after the announcement of her death: “May this day bring you peace and rest“.

Four days after the suicide of her daughter, April Simpkins, still struggles to realize that she will never see her again: “We miss his laugh, his wise words, his sense of humor and especially his hugs., she continues in the letter sent to People. She was a vital part of our family which makes this loss even more devastating. Cheslie, to the world you were a sun wrapped in smiles (…) You were more than my daughter, you were my best friend. I love you with all my heart. I miss you desperately. One day, I know, we will be together again. Until then, rest in peace“. Heartbreaking words from a mother forever deprived of her daughter.

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