Suicide of Jeffrey Epstein: charges against prison guards dropped

The day after the judgment against Ghislaine Maxwell, the American justice announced Thursday the abandonment of the proceedings against the prison guards who had not monitored his accomplice, the American financier. Jeffrey epstein, the night of his suicide in 2019. As reported by AFP on December 31, 2021, justice indicted in November 2019 these two guards of a New York prison, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, three months after the death of ‘Epstein by hanging in his cell on August 10 ahead of his sex crimes trial.

The two prison officers were accused of not having made their rounds of surveillance during the night of August 9 to 10, 2019 and of having remained at their office, riveted on the internet. Jeffrey Epstein, a multimillionaire jet-set financier, was found dead at dawn on August 10 and the autopsy concluded in suicide by hanging, not without controversy and conspiracy theories. The then US Minister of Justice, William Barr, denounced “serious” dysfunctions in this deemed safe prison, where Epstein had been held since his arrest in July 2019.

On Thursday, the Manhattan district attorney recalled that the two guards had “voluntarily” and “informedfalsified “documents“to make believe that they had made their rounds this night. At the time, the director of the prison, the Metropolitan Correctional Center, had been transferred and the two officers suspended. As part of their deal with justice, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas were simply forced to do community service.

And Prince Andrew in all of this?

The abandonment of these lawsuits comes the day after the judgment of Ghislaine Maxwell, companion and accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein, convicted of sex trafficking of minors after three weeks of trial in New York. Trial which also revealed her secret marriage to a wealthy American entrepreneur … The 60-year-old British socialite is now waiting to know her sentence, she faces several decades in prison. His lawyers have announced that they will appeal.

All eyes are now on another close to Jeffrey Epstein: Prince Andrew, the son of Queen Elizabeth, who is the subject of a complaint in New York for “sexual assault”. Last summer, the American and forty-something Virginia Giuffre, one of the young girls exploited by the Epstein / Maxwell duo, indeed went to court to denounce the sexual assaults she allegedly suffered from Prince Andrew when ‘she was a minor. Accusation denied by the Briton. The complaint is expected to be examined in late 2022 in a civil court in New York.

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