Suicide: how to prevent the act in adolescents?



France 3

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The distress of adolescents is sometimes hard to detect. On the 19/20 set, Thursday August 25, Damien Mascretjournalist and doctor, explains how we can prevent acting out.

The number of suicides or attempts is worrying among adolescents. But how to prevent the passages to the act? “First you have to react and not say to yourself ‘it’s old age, it will pass’. If you spot a sudden change in behavior in a child or adolescent, it’s a signal”alert Damien Mascretpresent on the set of 19/20, Thursday August 25. These changes can be a drop in school results or a sudden change in diet.

In this case, “We choose a calm and relaxed moment to talk. First, you have to tell the person who seems to be in pain that you have noticed that they are no longer the same. This shows your concern.”advises Damien Mascret. “You shouldn’t be afraid to ask a person in pain if they have suicidal thoughts”continues-he because “if she shares her dark thoughts with you, it’s already a first step to get better”. In this case, you can also contact the 3114the national suicide prevention number.

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