Suicide bombing in a police station in Indonesia: a policeman killed, 10 injured

A policeman was killed and several others injured on Wednesday in a suicide bombing at a police station in Bandung, West Java province in Indonesia, police said.

No indication of the motive for this attack has been given by the authorities of the archipelago, the largest Muslim-majority country in the world which has been plagued by Islamist activism for years.

The explosion occurred around 8 a.m. (0100 GMT) at the premises of the Astana Anyar police station in Bandung, capital of Indonesia’s most populous province, killing the perpetrator instantly. suicide attack.

“A man tried to break in and the police tried to arrest him,” West Java Police Chief Suntana said.

A second explosive device was later found nearby and was safely detonated by police deminers, according to the same source.

“The assailant insisted on approaching our officers brandishing a knife and suddenly an explosion occurred,” he said.

The attack left one dead – a policeman – and ten injured, including a civilian who was passing by.

The perpetrator of the attack, whose identity has not been revealed, landed at the police station on a blue motorcycle, a white sheet of paper with a message stuck to his vehicle.

The message condemned Indonesia’s penal code as an “infidel” piece of legislation and called for war on law enforcement, according to police.

Didin Khaerudin, a trader, was at the scene of the explosion when it took place.

“I heard a bang, it was so loud. I looked inside the police office and saw heavy smoke billowing,” Khaeruddin told AFP.

Indonesia has experienced several terrorist attacks in the past, including one on the tourist island of Bali in 2002. Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist militants set off bombs in a nightclub and bar, killing more than 200 people.

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